10 Outstanding Features And Advantages of Angular and AngularJS

If you ever wondered which one is better, angular vs. angular js? Then by the end of this article reading, your mind will settle on one of them. We shall look at their features, and which one is more advantageous to use over the other.
Angular and AngularJS Features

1. Directives:  They are markers seen on DOM such as CSS, which can create custom HTML tags to serve as new. They improve the functionality of HTML. It also comes with in-built directives like ngBind and ngModel.

2.Services: Angular JS has built-in services like $http that’s responsible for making XMLHttpRequests. The singleton objects are instantiated once in the app.

3.Templates: They are views rendered and carry information from the controller and model. Either you can find them in a single file(index.html) or see them in (multiple views) but put on one page.

4.Dependency injection: Angular comes with an in-built subsystem, enabling the engineer to understand, easy-test, and develop applications.

5.Scope: They are object models glued between the view and controller.

6.Optimum speed: Angular has the best loading app speed compared to all other frontend frameworks. It also automatically splits the code based on the user’s loading requirements.

7.Two-way-binding: As the view layer represents the model layer in Angular, any change made in the model will reflect on the view for the user to see. 

8.Command Line Interface: There are standard Angular CLI, such as ng-new, and ng-add that help the builder to find ready-made features easily. 

Also, You Can Read AngularJS Vs. Angular 2 Vs. Angular 4: Understanding the Differences

9.CDK: Component Development Kit of Angular has continuously improved by getting upgrades of a new version. It helps to get dynamic loading, unloads DOM to pave the way for a list of extensive data with high performance.

10. Requires less code: Angular framework has a low code when compared with other frontend technologies. Separate codes are not needed when linking the MVC layers.

Advantages of AngularJS vs. Angular

1. AngularJS gives HTML capacity of data binding, which results in a responsive experience to a user.

2. The components in Angular JS are usable. That saves the developer's time of creating new ones, not to mention cost-cutting.

3. The Angular framework uses short-codes, which can help a developer achieve a substantial result.

4. Another advantage of the code is that they are testable.

5. Angular JS provides a Single Page Application (SPA) in a neat, organized manner, which is maintainable. 

6. MVC architecture: The Model-View-Controller helps to create a client-side app, and also features such as scopes and data binding. As isolation of the app logic and UI layer becomes possible, the support concern puts them into two separate divisions.

7. Modules: When developing an app, there’s a mechanism used for combining directives, pipes, components, and even services, to build the application successfully. That is modules. Then there are several ways used to add all these elements in modules—nevertheless, Angular limits the scope functionality to them.

8.TypeScript: Angular JS being a superset of JavaScript, quickly notices a mistake during coding and eliminates it to get clean code.

9.Services and DI: It is common for a component to request assistance to complete a task, and that’s when a Dependency Injection plays the role of fulfilling these work dependencies. The dependent object gets created and injected, not by client service, but an Angular injector. He’s also responsible for building service instances.

10.Third-party integrations: With the selection of third-party integration tools, developers using AngularJS can improve the overall form and product functionality.

In conclusion, if you are into building a dynamic and smart framework, Angular is your solution. As you compare angular vs. angularjs, the choice you will make will depend on the type of project on your desk. You can deploy a native and progressive app according to your needs,


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